题 目:ABET Workshop
报告人:Dr. Robb M. Winter Chair and Sandvig Professor Department of Chemical and Materials EngineeringSouth Dakota School of Mines and Technology USA
时 间:2012年10月8-9日 9:00-11:00;13:30-16:00
地 点:材料楼210报告厅
摘 要:
Directed by a professor who has overseen several ABET assessments during his tenure, this 2-day introductory workshop will help programs that seek ABET accreditation to initiate their assessment planning, by addressing topics such as program mission and objectives, how they are tied with individual courses, data collection, the self-study etc. Four major topics are:
·Accreditation – Its Value
·ABET Accreditation – Foci
·ABET Criteria
·The Self-Study – Our Experience